

的 研究合规办公室 at 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 provides access to a variety of resources and training programs to ensure all individuals engaged in research at the College adhere to the highest standards for responsible and ethical 行为. 



的 研究合规办公室r (RCO) acts to oversee and ensure research compliance with regulations applicable to the use of human and animal subjects, 生物安全, 以及奖前拨款的管理.

以这种身份, the RCO ensures that all research 行为ed at the College adheres to the applicable federal and state regulations. This goal is accomplished by working with the ACPHS Office of 研究 Administration and with the compliance committees governing animal use, 生物安全, 人体研究保护, 辐射使用. 此外,RCO还担任学院的研究诚信官(RIO)。.

评论, 担忧, 请求, 以及全球十大赌博靠谱的平台可疑合规问题的报告, 包括研究不端行为, 可致电(518)694 -7238与研究合规办公室联系. 此电话号码仅由研究合规人员接听.

当人员不在时, 呼叫将被转移到RCO维护的保密语音信箱. 任何通过电话或电子邮件举报的人都有权保持匿名.  在法律法规限制的范围内, 所有信息将被视为机密. 任何个人都可以真诚地提出申诉,而不必担心遭到报复.

RCO负责回答问题, 评论, 以及学院研究界对CITI培训的建议. 

负责任的研究行为研讨会系列(INTD-6010-01, CRN 28507)

每年, the 研究合规办公室 shall coordinate a seminar series led by 教师 members covering Responsible Conduct of 研究 (RCR) topics. 培训研讨会的主题应包括:

  • 利益冲突——个人的、专业的和经济的
  • 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台人体受试者的政策, 活体脊椎动物研究对象, 以及安全的实验室操作
  • 导师/学员的责任和关系
  • 合作研究,包括与工业界的合作
  • 同行评审
  • Data acquisition and laboratory tools; management, sharing and ownership
  • 研究不当行为和处理不当行为的政策
  • 负责任的作者和出版
  • 科学家是社会中负责任的一员, 当代生物医学研究中的伦理问题, 以及科学研究对环境和社会的影响

另外, the RCO shall be available to coordinate further RCR seminars as requested by the research community and to answer questions regarding research processes at ACPHS. 请致电(518)694-7585与办公室联系,要求研讨会或提交问题.


美国国家科学基金会要求这样做, 在提案提交给NSF时, a proposing institution's Authorized Organizational Representative certify that the institution has a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in RCR (Responsible Conduct of 研究) to under研究生, 研究生, 和博士后研究人员,他们的研究将得到美国国家科学基金会的支持. Training plans are not required to be included in proposals submitted to NSF but 必须 be made available to NSF upon request.

为了遵守 NSF的RCR培训要求, 所有本科生, 研究生, and postdoctoral researchers applying for research support from NSF 必须 complete 花旗集团的培训 in RCR or attend an RCR seminar on a yearly basis.

点击下面的链接查看 国立卫生研究院(NIH) RCR培训要求.


的 Office of 研究 Integrity (ORI) of the United States Department of Health and Human Services has worked with the research community to develop an engaging, 创新, 有效的培训视频, "实验室:避免研究不当行为.这段视频展示了与工作与生活平衡有关的决策点, 指导, 数据管理, 负责任的作者, 从研究人员和管理人员的角度来看,有问题的研究实践. 它允许观众作为四个角色中的一个做出道德和生活的决定. 视频的结果取决于学习者的决定,无论好坏.


的 Institutional Review Board (IRB) of 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 is charged with the protection of the safety, 福利, 权利, 以及在学院主持下进行的人类受试者研究的所有参与者的隐私.

伦理委员会的作用是确保所有的人类受试者研究都是由行政部门进行的, 教师, 工作人员, 学院的学生符合联邦和州的要求. 的 贝尔蒙特的报告, issued in 1979 by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral 研究, 定义这些要求所依据的道德原则. 内部审查委员会受这些原则指导并遵守这些原则.

在奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院, all human subject research (regardless of whether funded) 必须 be reviewed and approved by the IRB before initiation.


IRB要求所有参与研究管理的人员, 以及谁与研究参与者和/或其可识别的标本或数据进行互动, 完成全球十大赌博靠谱的平台保护人类受试者的培训. 这可能包括学生、合作者、其他临床医生等. 


成功完成培训后,必须向IRB发送结业证书. 的 IRB will maintain the certificates for a 36-month (three-year) period from the date the course was completed. 证书的副本与协议一起保存.

IRB使用 合作机构培训计划(CITI) 完成培训要求; however, 可提交满足要求的其他培训的结业证书.


的 NIH Office of 实验动物福利 strictly regulates care and use of animals for research and teaching. All animal research in the USA should follow the guidelines for animal care and use as described in the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals"(8th edition).

的 federal mandate reads: "Each institution which falls under authority of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA; protects all mammals beyond, 但不包括, rodents) and/or receives 公共卫生 Service (PHS) support for research and teaching involving laboratory animals 必须 operate a program with clear lines of authority and responsibility, 一个运作正常的机构动物照顾和使用委员会, 自我监控程序, 适当的兽医护理, 职业健康计划, 健全的畜牧业规范, 并适当维护饲养动物的设施."

的 IACUC of 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 is charged with ensuring the performance of appropriate animal husbandry and research procedures by all 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. 的 IACUC ensures that all animal research performed at ACPHS conforms to federal and state requirements. 

在奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院, all animal research (regardless of the funding source) 必须 be reviewed and approved by the IACUC before initiation.


的 IACUC requires that all those involved with vertebrate animal research complete training on the NIH OLAW guidelines prior to engaging in any research activities.  没有完成培训的适当文件,研究不得开始. 成功完成培训后,必须向IACUC发送结业证书. 的 IACUC will maintain the certificates for a 36-month (three-year) period from the date the course the course was completed. 证书的副本与协议一起保存. 

目前,IACUC使用 合作机构培训计划(CITI) 完成培训要求.



  1. 负责任的研究行为
  2. 在研究中使用人类受试者的负责任行为
  3. 实验动物福利
  4. 良好临床规范(GCP)
  5. 财务利益冲突(FCOI)


通过花旗培训获得的培训证书有效期为三年. An individual 必须 take CITI’s refresher course prior to the expiration of the three years in order to maintain his or her training certification.



美国.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a final rule in the Federal Register that amends the 公共卫生 Service (PHS) regulations on Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in 研究 for which PHS Funding is Sought (42 C.F.R. 第50部分,子部分F)和负责任的潜在承包商(45 C.F.R. 94年部分). 申请或接受大学资助的机构 PHS-funded机构 必须符合所有修订后的法规要求.


“调查员”定义为负责设计的任何个人, 行为, 或报告在赞助项目下已完成或将要完成的工作的结果. “侦探”包括, 但不限于首席研究员, 他们的研究, and any other individuals (including personnel from other institutions) who are involved in accomplishing project objectives, 包括分包合同上列出的个人. 可能包括学生, 研究生和本科生, 以及其他可能被列为项目成果作者的人员, 即使他们没有从项目中获得报酬.

Any person defined as an "Investigator" (including sub-award Investigators) on a proposal being submitted to a PHS-funded机构 需要:

  • Complete and submit a 财务利益冲突(FCOI) Disclosure Form prior to submitting the application, 即使不存在相关的经济利益.
  • Update the FCOI Disclosure Form annually or within 30 days of a change in financial status (acquisition of new financial interest), 以先发生者为准. 

No application for funding from a PHS-funded机构 may be submitted to the agency until all Investigators have completed the required FCOI披露表格. FCOI披露表格 必须 即使不存在相关的经济利益,也要完成.


Any person defined as an "Investigator" (including sub-award Investigators) on a proposal being submitted to a PHS-funded机构 需要完成财务利益冲突(FCOI)培训;

  • 在从事与任何phs资助的赠款或合同相关的研究之前;
  • At least every three years; and
  • 在下列情况下立即执行:
    • 机构FCOI政策的变化影响了调查员的要求;
    • An Investigator is new to ACPHS; or
    • ACPHS发现调查人员不符合ACPHS的FCOI政策或管理计划.